Deen & Green

''The charity you give will be your shade on the Day of Judgement.''

- Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Fuel your machine.. “your body is a gift” Treat it well, feed it

Your body is a gift

As such we have an obligation to treat it well. If you had a sport car you would use the best possible fuel to get the maximum efficiency from your vehicle. Our bodies are no different.

Quality fuel in = quality performance out

Our bespoke D+G formula is just that balanced, ethical and sustainable ingredients. We are mindful not to over pack too many ingredient to create a thick and heavy formula. These formula often have so many ingredients, they counter-act each other. Our formula is clean, simple and effective.

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“Be good and do good”

The Deen & Green Team

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Fuel your machine.. “your body is a gift” Treat it well, feed it

Your body is a gift

As such we have an obligation to treat it well. If you had a sport car you would use the best possible fuel to get the maximum efficiency from your vehicle. Our bodies are no different.

Quality fuel in = quality performance out

Our bespoke D+G formula is just that balanced, ethical and sustainable ingredients. We are mindful not to over pack too many ingredient to create a thick and heavy formula. These formula often have so many ingredients, they counter-act each other. Our formula is clean, simple and effective.

Subscribe to lean more…

“Be good and do good”

The Deen & Green Team

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541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,

Phone:  +012.345.6789

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