Deen & Green

''The charity you give will be your shade on the Day of Judgement.''

- Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Every journey…

Every journey begins with the first step, so the saying goes.

So that being the case, what would be the 1st step when it comes to our health? There are some differing opinions here, but the vast consensus share the belief as I do, that Health come from the Gut.

Its a very topical issue at the moment and rightly so. There is a growing body of scientific evidence which is linking Gut health to cognitive function. This being the case, what if you could feed both your gut and the brain at same time? Surely this would be a win, win situation?

At Deen and Green, this was one of our core goals, to develop a cost effective way to support both gut health and aid in the more effective digestion to support the cognitive functions at the same time.

Deen & Green, greens does just this. It supports the synergy between Gut, Mind and Muscle. This is fundamental, as every action requires 3 key elements;

1) Fuel – When the Gut is supported, it can absorb nutrients better.

2) Instruction – The Mind, when clearly functioning at its cognitive best, can send signals that ‘action is required’

3) Muscles – Muscles literally do the heavy lifting and carryout your tasks.

One of the most profound side effects of aging is muscle wasting, also known as Sarcopenia. In old age, we all lose muscle tissue and size. This directly leads to a weakening on the muscles as they are smaller.

Deen and Green naturally boosts testosterone, which can lead to both muscle preservation and growth in later life.

Bio-Hacking is all the rage, but you shouldn’t need to be a Billionaire to be able to invest in your health. We at Deen and Green are literally fighting to make healthcare simple and cost effective.

For as little as £1.20 per day (with subscription offer) you can benefit from Gut health boosting, Cognitive enhancement and Testosterone boosting… so that is 40p per day for each of these features…. dont delay… subscribe today





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Every journey…

Every journey begins with the first step, so the saying goes.

So that being the case, what would be the 1st step when it comes to our health? There are some differing opinions here, but the vast consensus share the belief as I do, that Health come from the Gut.

Its a very topical issue at the moment and rightly so. There is a growing body of scientific evidence which is linking Gut health to cognitive function. This being the case, what if you could feed both your gut and the brain at same time? Surely this would be a win, win situation?

At Deen and Green, this was one of our core goals, to develop a cost effective way to support both gut health and aid in the more effective digestion to support the cognitive functions at the same time.

Deen & Green, greens does just this. It supports the synergy between Gut, Mind and Muscle. This is fundamental, as every action requires 3 key elements;

1) Fuel – When the Gut is supported, it can absorb nutrients better.

2) Instruction – The Mind, when clearly functioning at its cognitive best, can send signals that ‘action is required’

3) Muscles – Muscles literally do the heavy lifting and carryout your tasks.

One of the most profound side effects of aging is muscle wasting, also known as Sarcopenia. In old age, we all lose muscle tissue and size. This directly leads to a weakening on the muscles as they are smaller.

Deen and Green naturally boosts testosterone, which can lead to both muscle preservation and growth in later life.

Bio-Hacking is all the rage, but you shouldn’t need to be a Billionaire to be able to invest in your health. We at Deen and Green are literally fighting to make healthcare simple and cost effective.

For as little as £1.20 per day (with subscription offer) you can benefit from Gut health boosting, Cognitive enhancement and Testosterone boosting… so that is 40p per day for each of these features…. dont delay… subscribe today





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